Chiropractic Wellness Care

Wellness care or preventative care (also written as preventive care) is designed to promote health based on the whole person’s optimal functioning and minimizes the future occurrences of impairment or illness. This form of care is utilized to assist an already healthy and problem-free patient maintain a favorable healthy state; helping to prevent any acute or chronic issue from appearing. Staying diligent and abreast with chiropractic maintenance care can save a patient time and money by staving off potentially painful, debilitating, and costly medical conditions.

Chiropractic wellness care relies on various methods ranging from: reevaluation to education on issues of diet and nutrition, fitness and exercise, the mechanics of spinal health, body postures, stress reduction, training in coordination, safety protocols, and modification of lifestyle patterns and personal habits.

The credo of chiropractic preventative care is to be proactive and not wait for an issue to occur. Initial action can disrupt discomfort, such as pain in the spine; leading to the most complete state of health and wellness.

Chiropractic Rehabilitative Care

Chiropractic rehabilitative care is a means for enhancing the body’s own innate healing processes and restraining long-term degeneration of the posture and musculoskeletal frame, thereby assisting the body in its efforts to provide itself the ongoing healing it needs.

Rehabilitative care is often initiated after the initial symptoms of pain, tension, soreness, or discomfort are reduced. It is the next part of a patient’s healing process – the part where they and their chiropractor work together to maintain the healing that’s just occurred and the state of health and wellness that’s just been restored.

It could be said that chiropractic care for chronic and acute conditions primarily provides short-term relief, whereas chiropractic rehabilitative care provides long-term healing. From there, a patient would then move on to preventive care, promoting ongoing health and wellness.

Chiropractic Wellness Care Benefits

  • Promote Emotional, Mental, and Physical Wellness
  • Reduce Incidents of injuries and Associated Pain
  • Prevent Illness and Disease
  • Enhance Quality of Life
  • Prolong Life